Articles in this issue:
Study: Brainproteins, patterns reveal clues to understanding epilepsy
Why the brain systemneeds sleep
Changes in gutmicrobiome in only one subset of helminth-infected patients
Can psychedelic drugsheal?
Singletransplantation of therapeutic macrophages improves rare lung disease in mice
Marine mammals lackfunctional gene to defend against popular pesticide
Diverse symbionts ofreef corals have endured since 'age of dinosaurs'
Scientists solve opentheoretical problem on electron interactions
You're only as old asyou think and do
Evolutionary changesin the human brain may have led to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
The physician's whitecoat: Iconic and comforting or likely covered in germs?
New study viewscancer treatment as a game to find strategies that improve patient outcomes
More than half ofdrivers don't look for cyclists and pedestrians before turning right
Discovery could leadto better treatment for leukemia
Genetic mutationunderlying severe childhood brain disorder identified
Most teens do have,and use, behavioral brakes
Back to the future ofclimate change
Neuroscientists getat the roots of pessimism
Drugs in developmentfor cancer may also fight brain diseases, including ALS
Nuclear gatekeepercould block undruggable prostate cancer targets
Roles of emotionalsupport animals examined
Tiny tunnels insidegarnets appear to be the result of boring microorganisms
Inducing labor at 39weeks decreases need for cesarean section, study finds
Viewing cancertreatment as a game to find strategies that improve patient outcomes
Tbx6 revealed ascrucial to heart and skeleton formation from stem cells
Bribing bacteria toplay nicely is good for everyone
Key role found for enzymesin DNA replication and sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs
A conversationbetween plants' daily and aging clocks
PSD as a molecularplatform for understanding synapse formation and plasticity
Dogs set to benefitfrom simple blood test to spot liver disease
Spinning heat shieldfor future spacecraft
More ……
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